From Second-Hand Knowledge to First-Hand Experience

"Sometimes, or dare I say often we are like worms who eat up thousands of books but fail to receive a certificate of erudition! How do we really, really do justice to the AHA moments that we have in a classroom, a conversation, a coaching session, a review session and so on? Here is what I have tried that has helped me and my loved ones who dared apply it." Read this article by Chitra Chaturvedi, CEO & Associate Partner at Vyaktitva to learn more.

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Portrait of an Impactful Instructional Designer

"What began as an affair with Instructional Design early on in my career has now matured into a perennial romance. Today it is infused into several facets of my life, bringing me incomparable clarity and satisfaction." In this article, Chitra Chaturvedi, CEO & Associate Partner at Vyaktitva shares insights from her journey with Instructional Design spanning over three decades.

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Portrait of an Engaged Observer

While judgments have a role to play and we need to succeed as well, an additional tool in our armoury that would help us immensely in assessment and consequently effective decision making would be an increased objectivity of the situation. This can only happen if we make a conscious attempt to delink ourselves from ourselves – our emotions, our mental models, our fears, our personal experiences – to see and accept things as they are.

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